------------------------------------MOTODEV SummitThe Future Starts HereGet ready to attend the MOTODEV Summit in Beijing, China in January 2010. This exclusive one-day event gives you access to everything you need to create phenomenal user experiences on Motorola's Android-based handsets.Learn more:Motorola's Android-based handsets.
Learn more: http://developer.motorola.com/eventstraining/summit/beijing10/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dec09nl------------------------------------Also In This Issue:
* MOTODEV Studio for
Android 1.0.2* Introducing MOTO MT710
Read all about it at http://developer.motorola.com/newsletter/ 纯英文~~~~ 给个图片就更好了 话说看不懂啊..就看懂标题 支持`` ``` 基本没看懂 搞什么啊,欺负我不学英语啊