刷机包bvS bvN bgN agZ bgZ avZ bvZ 和 Lite 是什么意思?
Information about what type of GSI it is<ARCH>_xyZ
<ARCH> can either be arm, a64 or arm64
x can either be a or b
y can either be v, o, g or f
Z can be N or S
b = a/b#system a/b 分区
a = a-only #system a 分区
g = gapps #有Google服务
o = gapps-go #有Google go服务
v = vanilla (no gapps included) #没有Google服务
f = floss (free & open source apps instead gapps)
N = no superuser #没有 root 权限
S = superuser included #有 root 权限
So in most common example "arm64_avN" is ARM64 A-only vanilla with no superuser