Fast Company 2015全球十大最具创新公司奖,摩托罗拉在列
美国知名媒体 Fast Company 已经评选出他们心目中的"2015全球十大最具创新公司奖"。
谷歌毫无疑问排名第一,特斯拉第二,第三是天朝深圳的DJI (昨天@汪峰 老师求婚上头条也用过的神器)。作为一家拥有超过80多年历史的公司,摩托罗拉也有幸位列这个全球前十排名。
去年被谷歌卖给联想,这事儿对摩托罗拉的创新精神没有一丝影响。 反而,他们拿出了一些目前最牛13的移动硬件领域的创新产品 - 其中最闪亮的是,Moto 360 。 在这之前,我们见过无数的号称智能手表的玩意儿,但大多数都太tmd渣了而且全都是为发烧极客而生的。直到Moto 360 , 一个漂亮的圆形设计,优雅简洁,第一次能让那些最坚定的智能手表反对者也会忍不住说“哇,我要我要!” 而摩托罗拉的最新旗舰手机,New Moto X,是一个完美的(且罕见)的例子,体现了一家创新的公司如何更加注重那些用户确实需要和真正会使用的手机功能(译者注:而不是单纯的堆砌参数和玩儿花哨)。它可以说是一部有着最好用户界面的智能手机,拥有功能强大的Moto语音操作(不需要老是对着手机屏幕戳啊戳),让你用起来真的会很爽。摩托罗拉还有一些小玩意儿,比如迷你蓝牙钥匙扣,可以让你免去频繁输入屏幕解锁密码 --- 你看,这家公司做出了很多聪明的选择。
For continuing to innovate, even out of the spotlight. Being sold by Google to Lenovo last year doesn’t seem to have dampened Moto’s spirits any, and as a result it’s putting out some of the most inventive mobile hardware today. Most significantly, there’s the Moto 360. We’ve been seeing a growing surge of smartwatches over the last few years, but most have been terrible and all have been pretty geek-focused. The Moto 360, with its beautiful round face and elegantly simple design, is the first device that made even staunch smartwatch refuseniks say, "Ooh! I want that!" Motorola’s latest flagship phone, the Moto X+1, is a perfect (and rare) example of a company focusing on features that users actually want and will use. It has arguably the best user interface of any smartphone out there (a very lightly tweaked version of Android), and its powerful suite of truly hands-free voice commands (no button pushing required) makes using it an absolute joy. Factor in the Motorola Skip, its little Bluetooth-enabled keychain that saves you from having to enter an unlock code as long as it’s near your phone, and you’re looking at a company making a lot of smart choices.