关于咱们机子CPU( Freescale SCMA-11 processor)详解
以前听说咱机子cpu(时钟532MHz)NB,然后觉得外形还可以,加上搭载linux系统,不惜重金从淘宝购回!买回来后不知道详细参数怎样,一直到今天。今天有时间查找这个 Freescale SCMA-11 processor的资料发现挺NB的!引用来自:http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS5483295736.html
“Lyons also said the Z6 will be based on a Freescale SCMA-11 processor, a derivative of Freescale's ARM11-based i.MX31 processor. And, she confirmed that the phone will have a \"single-core\" architecture, in which a single processor handles both application processing and real-time tasks, such as signal processing and modem control.
Lyons did not say whether the Z6 phone uses Linux for real-time processing, or whether it has a separate real-time operating system (RTOS) running alongside Linux on top of virtualization software, the approach used by NXP's Nexperia reference design. However, MontaVista's Mobilinux 4.1 operating system, released last fall for the i.MX31 processor and based on a 2.6.10 kernel, explicitly targets single-core mobile phones.”
才知道用是MCIMX31,想了解更多的去http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=i.MX31&nodeId=0162468rH31143ZrDR66B1&fpsp=1&tab=Design_Tools_Tab#查询 大沙发 看不懂 支持下吧~ 小板凳 顶。。。。 支持下 不懂 顶~~~ 看不懂啥意思······