leecke 发表于 2015-4-7 11:26

Droid Mini/Maxx/Ultra Root [SU6-7] 搬运原帖, 刷机时间缩短

本帖最后由 leecke 于 2015-11-6 13:32 编辑

XDA原帖已经更新为 一次性刷入 Root+xposed框架+Busybox。详情:http://bbs.ihei5.com/thread-345812-1-1.html

有心的朋友可以去原帖捐赠来支持一下原作者 CrashXXL。droid turbo的"写保护root"可是要花20USD的。***** 这个包跟之前需要十来个小时的SU6-7 root步骤一样,不过只刷16个system区块,相比之前的130多个省了大把时间。同时对于刷机前的rom版本要求更严格。)

Root available on 4.4.4 SU6-7 Version 1.01 for Full Flash Stock SU6-7 (需要完整刷原厂SU6-7底包)
Write Protect=1 (写保护还在)

This method tested on Droid Mini XT1030 SU6-7 (non OTA Update)
This method tested on Droid MAXX XT1080m SU6-7 (non OTA Update)
This method NOT tested on Droid Ultra XT1080 SU6-7 (non OTA Update)

Method takes about 30-45 min, 1 steps. (需要30~45分钟,*** XDA论坛里也有人提到用了2个小时,看机器)

Author is not responsible for totally bricked devices, broken arms, legs, plane crashes and your wife's cheating.
All actions taken is your own risk.

- shouldn't be afraid of Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008;
- do not change any files, pathes;
- can install drivers manually;
- need to install python-2.7.9 and pyserial-2.7.win32;
- unzipp _Root_SU6-7_Stock.rar to C:\Python27;

Method is dangerous, however gives results.

00 you must have firmware SU6-7 receiving is not in the form of an update (OTA) and stitched through the RSD Lite (SU4-21 contains specific certificate and can be unlocked with SunShine).
- 必须是SU6-7底包,不是通过OTA升级来的,而是通过RSD lite刷入
01 Unzipp everything to C:\Python27.
- 解压到 C:\Python27
02 Run BLBROKE.bat.
- 运行 BLBROKE.bat.
03 After you got Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, install drivers manually
- 进入HS-USB QDLoader 9008黑砖模式之后,手动安装驱动。
04 Run RUN_Root.bat. Parts XX of system.
- 运行RUN_Root.bat
05 Turn device on. Now you have SU6.7 STOCK PreRooted
- 开机,现在已经有root过的SU6-7

Drivers, scripts, ROM are here -> https://yadi.sk/d/dtM1ao4lfiHMC

**** Hidden Message *****

Q Will Sunshine be able to be used in conjunction with this to achieve an unlocked BL?
A No, the latest firmware which was supported unlock SU4-21

鲁鲁修 发表于 2015-4-7 11:51

【Android4.44】Droid mini、ultra、maxx XT1030 XT1080/1080m 无解锁快速root方法
(出处: 爱黑武论坛)

leecke 发表于 2015-4-7 11:53

鲁鲁修 发表于 2015-4-7 11:51
【Android4.44】Droid mini、ultra、maxx XT1030 XT1080/1080m 无解锁快速root方法
http://bbs.ihei5.com/ ...


zhb_hncs 发表于 2015-4-7 14:44

越来越好 写保护去掉就好很多了

Oh_hai_khun 发表于 2015-4-7 17:01


鲁鲁修 发表于 2015-4-7 22:00

leecke 发表于 2015-4-7 11:53

早注明了 认真看

leecke 发表于 2015-4-7 23:59

鲁鲁修 发表于 2015-4-7 22:00
早注明了 认真看


鲁鲁修 发表于 2015-4-8 15:20

leecke 发表于 2015-4-7 23:59


leecke 发表于 2015-4-8 23:47

鲁鲁修 发表于 2015-4-8 15:20


如果你够牛能独立搞定一个破解,发布在某个论坛。我转帖时必定也会附上你的原帖地址,并说明你就是原作者。 加油吧。

f02eng 发表于 2015-5-14 13:32

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