索尼XPERIA M35C/H不会有Android 4.4或更高系统更新
索尼官方发表说明:“User experience is at the heart of our product development and support - we need thorough evaluation to conclude that the user experience for M35c/M35h will be superior if they remain on current version versus being upgraded to Android 4.4.The quality of Xperia’s software experience is dependent on a number of factors including: screen resolution, hardware platform and RAM. In the case of our newly rolled out Xperia products, this combination came together in a way that meant the user experience running Jelly Bean was not adversely affected.
Unfortunately, in the case of M35c/M35h, this wasn’t the case - so we made the decision to keep them on current version“。
索尼M35C 最终版本确定为12.0.B.5.38
索尼M35H 则是12.1.A.1.205