本帖最后由 吧吧呜 于 2017-9-16 10:58 编辑国行7.1.1解锁、刷TWRP3.1.0.0、刷内核、刷superSU,刷完之后开机总是回到TWRP界面,求救!万分感谢!
Root能不丢失? gan422956094 发表于 2017-9-16 13:38
试着刷手机目前的版本底包 建议最后root…… How To Root Moto Z with SuperSU
someone should write tutorial about rooting, and clarify things about new nougat so let's start
there's 2 way to root stock N :
old phh's superuser
and new systemless superSU, i'm gonna show this way
first make sure you have stock boot partition (not rooted, installed turboZ is OK) and absolutely unlocked bootloader : How to Unlock Bootloader
How to root ?
[*]flash my custom modded TWRP(with Battery Mod Support) : https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=157130
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
[*]flash latest TurboZ Stock kernel with TWRP : TurboZ_*_N_Stock.zip
[*]flash latest SuperSU by chainfire with TWRP : https://forum.xda-developers.com/app...v2-05-t2868133
[*](optional) flash latest magisk with TWRP : https://forum.xda-developers.com/app...mless-t3473445
[*]Reboot system
我的也是这样,暂时没找到解决办法 国行7.1.1可以ROOT了????