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已有 1857 次阅读2010-6-10 17:01 |个人分类:~~|

These informations we must remember as a hacker.

(1) Never damage any system. This will only get you into trouble.

(2) Never alter any of the systems files, except for those needed to insure that you are not detected, and those to insure that you have access into that computer in the future.

(3)Do not share any information about your hacking projects with anyone but those you‘d trust.

(4)When posting on BBS‘s (Bulletin Board Systems) be as vague as possible when describing your current hacking projects. BBS‘s CAN be monitered by law enforcement.

(5)Never use anyone‘s real name or real phone number when posting on a BBS.

(6) Never leave your handle on any systems that you hack in to.

(7)Do not hack government computers.

(8)Never speak about hacking projects over your home telephone line.

(9) Be paranoid. Keep all of your hacking materials in a safe place.

(10) To become a real hacker, you have to hack. You can‘t just sit around reading text files and hanging out on BBS‘s. This is not what hacking is all about.

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