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under the conditions

热度 1已有 624 次阅读2010-12-25 14:12

material, can be in the framework of the existing constitution first 56 bar modified. Regulations "no legal basis, hot whom shall be required to pay taxes" will be the subject of the first 56 the constitution of the People's Republic of China "citizens" instead of "taxpayer". (2) of authorized legislation regulating taxation. Different from western developed country, China's tax authorized Miu Miu legislation studies focus on the problem is not its rationality, but how to carry on the supervision, guaranteeing the statutory principle accords with tax. First, increases in taxation authorized legislation process taxpayer participation and express opinions opportunity, so that the authorized legislation has legitimacy. Second, tax of authorized legislation to express authorization of the content, scope, objectives, and shall not Miu Miu Bags general and vague. The franchisor deal with matters authorized legislation framework has explicit request, is the franchisor must in this framework formulate corresponding provisions. (3) strengthen tax legislation supervision. Strengthening tax legislation of social and economic development level and the development trend of the adaptive investigation. For important, are directly related to citizens, legal persons and other organizations' vital interests, Miu Miu Purses significant differences of opinion tax legislation, must accept the public evaluation, and the public's appraisal opinion. Tax regulations of the enacting body shall reply, its contents shall open the reply to supervise the execution of the evaluation system. To establish the court in tax administrative regulations and local regulations of case censorship, thus realize by the National People's Congress and Miu Miu Handbags its standing committee supervision and administrative regulations and local regulations whether in within the scope authorized by legislation. Olsen that country's appearance is an from "fighting" to "sit healing-wise" process. "Fighting" random mopping-up type plundering (protection type access) can make people tend to accept "sit healing-wise" stability and universality of tax. "Curtis" and "king", "tax" and "protection" between, how to Miu Miu Purse clearly drawn? This will depend on tax legal principle. If a taxpayer cannot pass legislation in the game to tax legal principle to protect its own private ownership of property right, then the game can only occur in the tax law enforcement link, which will directly cause national power base shaken. To sum up, in our country the strengthening of MiuMiu tax principle of legal research and in the legal system to establish clear legal principle relations and major tax. [key words] papers mergers company kinds restriction of socialism The paper] [mergers as socialization production and the inherent requirement of scale economy, and under the conditions of market economy is an inevitable result of the survival of the fittest, which has

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回复 __画地为牢 2010-12-27 09:51
Read and understand a little bit, the law!

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