拉轰小兔基 发表于 2015-3-18 11:22



水的是寂寞 发表于 2015-3-18 16:35


53537322 发表于 2015-3-18 22:06

根据谷歌翻译应该是4.4.4 su6-7的root方法。。。

leecke 发表于 2015-3-18 22:58

xt1030的可以试试,droid maxx不敢试,这个玩不好就是彻底的砖,还不如没有root将就着用呢

leecke 发表于 2015-3-18 23:05

- shouldn't be afraid of Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008;不怕Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008
- do not change any files, pathes;
- can install drivers manually;
- need to install python-2.7.9 and pyserial-2.7.win32;
需要安装python-2.7.9 and pyserial-2.7.win32
- unzipp ROM_C_Python27.rar to C:\Python27;
把ROM_C_Python27.rar 解压到 C:\Python27

Method is dangerous, however gives results.

00 You have ROM SU6-7 (SU4-21 contains specific certificate and can be unlocked with SunShine).--确定你的rom是SU6-7版本
01 Unzipp everything to C:\Python27.
--把ROM_C_Python27.rar 解压到 C:\Python27
02 Run BLBROKE.bat.
--运行 BLBROKE.bat
03 After you got Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008,
install drivers manually
-- 进入Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008,安装驱动
04 Run RUN_SYS1.bat. Parts 1-30 of system.
-- 运行RUN_SYS1.bat
05 Device will try to boot. Charge it in fastboot for 10-15 mins.
-- 设备会尝试启动,在fastboot模式下充电10-15分钟
06 Run BLBROKE.bat
--运行 BLBROKE.bat
07 Run RUN_SYS2.bat. Parts 31-60 of system.
-- 运行 RUN_SYS2.bat
08 Device will try to boot. Charge it in fastboot for 10-15 mins.
--- 设备会尝试启动,在fastboot模式下充电10-15分钟
09 Run BLBROKE.bat
--运行 BLBROKE.bat
10 Run RUN_SYS3.bat. Parts 61-90 of system.
-- 运行 RUN_SYS3.bat
11 Device will try to boot. Charge it in fastboot for 10-15 mins.
-- 设备会尝试启动,在fastboot模式下充电10-15分钟
12 Run BLBROKE.bat
--运行 BLBROKE.bat
13 Run RUN_SYS4.bat. Parts 91-120 of system
-- 运行 RUN_SYS4.bat
11 Device will try to boot. Charge it in fastboot for 10-15 mins.
-- 设备会尝试启动,在fastboot模式下充电10-15分钟
12 Run BLBROKE.bat
--运行 BLBROKE.bat
13 Run RUN_SYS5.bat. Parts 121-132 of system
-- 运行 RUN_SYS5.bat
14 Device will try to boot. Charge it in fastboot for 10-15 mins.
-- 设备会尝试启动,在fastboot模式下充电10-15分钟
15 Turn device on. Now you have SU5.24_(Blur 23.3.24)_Deodex
--开机,你的rom现在是 SU5.24_(Blur 23.3.24)_Deodex

Drivers, scripts, ROM are here -> https ://yadi.sk/d/GQv5qjPIf5MUY

leecke 发表于 2015-3-19 00:17


拉轰小兔基 发表于 2015-3-19 09:17

leecke 发表于 2015-3-19 00:17


gzlyw 发表于 2015-3-19 09:26

这方法蛮冒险的,首选要把系统升级到SU6-7 也就是bl会升级到是最恐怖的30BA。破解后能root了 但sunshine却解不了bl了。如果万一root不成功,那就坑爹了。

leecke 发表于 2015-3-19 10:11


拉轰小兔基 发表于 2015-3-19 11:30

gzlyw 发表于 2015-3-19 09:26
这方法蛮冒险的,首选要把系统升级到SU6-7 也就是bl会升级到是最恐怖的30BA。破解后能root了 但sunshine却 ...

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