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xda发现一个 XT1095的6.0官方刷机包1.3g,谁能帮忙下载共享啊
下载地址是谷歌网盘: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1jFVjp5LrZrS0tqc01lUlpqa3M
帖子地址: http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-x-2014/development/rom-xt1095-flashable-stock-rom-t3277874
Here is your Christmas present.
I have created a stock rom of 6.0 marshmallow that you can flash via custom recovery. The only modifications that I have made are to remove the motrola OTA service, that way there will be no bricks from people taking an OTA and it won't bother anyone about OTA update messages. The recovery flasher was removed to prevent it from overwriting the custom recovery.
1) If you are coming from another rom, or a different version of android you must do a factory reset.
2) Install the zip file through TWRP/CWM/etc.
3) Enjoy.
Download 6.0
If you enjoy my work, feel free to buy me a beer by donating. 
Have a Merry Christmas everyone.