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plaques and blood

已有 607 次阅读2010-9-27 09:39 |

accumulation of atherosclerosis after the PAF destruction, while still increasing platelet adsorption agglomerate, coronary artery luminal stenosis, vascular intima thickening of the hardened heart and blood deficiency.130, modern market, employment, science and technology, increasing competition, make people can't adapt to the changing reality, causing tension, insomnia, and fatigue. Due to the stress that endocrine function, the rate of blood sugar, moncler catechu adrenal mass hormone levels increase, cause hypertension, also can cause body fat metabolism disorders. But hypertension cholesterol levels rise, and the cycle will further influence blood coagulation mechanism, make the platelet aggregation increased, in this factors, along with the growth of the age, air pollution, the deterioration of the environment, human intravascular toxic substances, causing increased significantly TAF coronary moncler jackets artery wall is damaged, adipose accumulation after the PAF atherosclerosis, and constantly increasing, adsorption of platelets cause coronary artery stenosis, the lumen neointimal thickening of the hardened heart and blood deficiency.2, the prevention and treatment of the generalAdjust dietary structure 2.1Foods high in fat and cholesterol intake should be controlled in the total quantity of heat below 30%, animal protein moncler vest intake control in the 20-50%, plant protein will increase, and recommend the soybean protein, because contain beans can reduce cholesterol. (the WHC) in more than 30 countries survey found that eating soy, plant protein more significantly reduced the incidence of coronary heart disease areas.2.2, carbohydrates and the total quantity of heat into 60-70% of obesity, high, especially those of glycerol moncler coats and fatty should limit should be increased complex carbohydrates, such as rice, the proportion of MaLieLing potato, etc.2.3, fruits and vegetables have abundant food fiber, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, have the effect that reduces cholesterol. To prevent constipation, such as black agaric, Onions, garlic, ginger, mushrooms, etc, seaweed have different lipid-lowering, dilating coronary artery and step-down, diuresis, calm helps prevent Cheap Moncler coronary heart disease.2.4, water and mineral salts, increasing the beneficial and trace elements, such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, can reduce the ratio of the incidence of coronary heart disease.2.5, condiments: salt, soy sauce in the newspaper and hypertension is proportional to every daily 3-5 grams of salt, soy sauce also unfavorable and overmuch, monosodium glutamate, high pressure sodium Discount Moncler less food for the appropriate, tea has reduced the bravery of solid, to prevent atherosclerosis.2.6, necessary physical exercise, set up the correct outlook on life, the values and outlook, wrath, envy away, remove trouble, optimistic, combining exertion, to prevent coronary heart disease.3, general drug preventionThe birth of 3.1, such as following: born vegetarian B1, B6, C, PP, E, to improve Moncler Outlet the fat metabolism and preventing atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction has certain effect.3.2, compound radices, :, aspirin enteric-coated metformin hydrochloride, algal acid sodium fat, double stranded strands, winding Abram, such as hin expansion cerebrovascular dredge softening vessels, lowering blood fat and blood viscosity, clear and clean PAF atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots, effectively prevent coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood Moncler Sale fat, reduce morbidity.4 and discuss: trigger coronary heart disease causes many, but both at home and abroad that hypertension, high blood fat, high blood glucose and obesity is a major factor. The reasons are eating and living environment and have close relations, therefore, in daily life to develop good habits, pay attention to adjust dietary structure, the key is to

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