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breathing, should

已有 242 次阅读2010-9-25 10:56 |

organs of dizziness, nausea and vomiting.2 can improve gastrointestinal smooth muscle moderate and sphincter tone, reduce advance sexual peristalsis, but because time is short, so no effect causes constipation, also do not have diarrhoea. Muscle cramps can cause biliary duct, improve the pressure inside, but weaker than morphine. Treatment of smooth, without influence bronchial high-dose is contraction. Late in pregnancy moncler uterus, do not fight oxytocin excited, so not the uterus were slow.Synthetic analgesics3 the cardiovascular system amount of orthostatic hypotension, can cause and morphine. Due to restrain breath, also can make the body CO2 and accumulation, cerebrovascular expansion cerebrospinal fluid pressure.The clinical application1 analgesic PaiTiDing to various pain like traumatic pain, pain after surgery, visceral pain late colic, have analgesic moncler jackets effect. But for chronic blunt painful is unfavorable use, because there still addiction. PaiTiDing inhibition of neonatal respiratory function is very sensitive, so before birth mothers in 2 ~ 4 hours unfavorable use.2 give anesthesia and artificial hibernate PaiTiDing composed effect can be eliminated before surgery patients, reduce tension, fear; drugs dosage And chlorpromazine, isopropyl benzoxazines share for artificial mixture moncler vest composition hibernate hibernate therapy.The adverse reactions. PaiTiDing amount with morphine similar, can cause dizziness, sweating, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, palpitation and because of orthostatic hypotension and syncope, etc. Also can use. Large doses can inhibit breathing. I can cause tremor, muscle spasm, hyper-reflexia even convulsions, poisoning can save with resistance to startle medicine. Contraindication and morphine.The degreeThe anadol degrees (for) moncler coats short-acting analgesics. 10 ~ 20mg subcutaneous injections, in 5 minutes after onset, 2 hours. Static note is 1 ~ 2 minutes, maintain 0.5-1 hour. Mainly used for short-term pain, such as bone, and facial small operation and the uropoiesis surgical instruments, etc. Can also share with atropine, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract to remove muscle convulsion sex pain. A slight effects Cheap Moncler and short vertigo, sweat, weakness, etc. Respiratory inhibition and addiction is lighter.fentanylFentanyl (fentanyl) analgesic action 100 times stronger than morphine treatment of morphine (1/100), a intramuscular injection 0.1 mg, 15 minutes, 1 ~ 2 hours. Can be used in all kinds of pain. With general anesthesia or local anesthetic drugs dosage, can reduce the share. And fluorine piperidine share stability Discount Moncler and analgesic effects. Adverse reactions are dizziness, nausea, vomiting, cramps biliary muscle. High-dose generate obvious muscle rigidity, can fight the rosiglitazone lotito. Intravenous tachycardia easy control breathing, should add note. Banned in the bronchus asthma, cerebral tumor or brain trauma patients and caused coma age children. This drug addiction.methadoneMethadone (narcotic) have levorotatory body and dextral body. Levorotatory than dextral body Moncler Outlet potent 8 ~ 50 times. Commonly used the extinction cycles. Similar pharmacological properties and morphine injection, but it is also effective oral and low utilization ratio (morphine oral). Analgetic intensity and duration and morphine. Tolerance and addiction occurs slowly, withdrawal symptoms, and is easy to be slightly lighter. Once, after dosing and weak, but many drugs significantly. Control breathing, shrinkage, Moncler Sale causes constipation and increase the pupil within a morphine biliary pressure. Applicable to trauma, surgery and late-stage cancer pain caused by such.He sprayed with Michael essienHe sprayed with Michael essien (new) for pentazocine, analgesia and morphine and its derivative of silane piperidine loop N the methyl for isoamyl alkenyl instead of synthetic analgesics. Main κ excited, σ receptors, But can

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